Wednesday 24 October 2018

Ça raconte Sarah - first book of the Goncourt list

Welcome back.
The first book we will deal with is "ça raconte Sarah" by Pauline Delabroy-Allard. This is the story of an overworked woman who has fallen into the routine of life and is not happy anymore. She accidentally meets impulsive and scatterbrained Sarah, the title character who changes the life of the narrator completely. Women get to know each other and fall in love. The relationship develops very quickly and at some point it becomes an obsession. It turns out, however, that Sarah is suffering from breast cancer and the narrator is suffering because of the possibility of losing her partner. She even blames herself for her alleged death and leaves France to escape from despair.
I do not want to reveal more of the content, I will just add that the climax of the novel is shocking. :) The novel is written in first-person narration, very rhythmical and melodic (Sarah was a violinist), which is rendered by extremely short chapters. But I can talk about it, it's worth reading, to see for yourself.

Have a good day :)

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Why we need to know something about French literature?

Hello everyone!

French literature was a big influence for a lot of others countries like in our homeland. France was and is right now pioneer of some trends in fashion, art and also literature. At our University Adam Mickiewicz we have a possibility to discover the beauty of that country and their cultural heritage due to Institut of Romance Languages where the jury of Prix Goncourt pick the best French book of the year.
I would like to present some of this books and, maybe, some others not related to that contest.
I hope you would like it, for the first of the 13 competing books, I invite you to return in a week.

The "Elle" readers' prize

The "Elle" readers' prize for 2019, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, was awarded to Adeline Dieudonné and...